Friday, July 22, 2011

Working Up To Walking?

Porter took multiple steps (2) on his own for the first time tonight.  His name, coupled with the fact that we were in a bar and he did it on top of a table can't be a good sign...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Shit, I sure haven't been on top of this blog lately.  We've been pretty busy here at S, M, and P headquaters getting ready for the big move coming up next month.  Michele officially finished up her fellowship at the end of June, although she was pretty much done a month prior and fully checked out with a week left.  Even thought we're only headed 80 miles away it seems like we've spent the last six weeks (and the next three) cramming in as much local (and out of towner) visiting time as possible. At the same time I'm working to finish up a bunch of odds and ends on the house.

In the past couple of months I sided the house, painted it, built the deck, and taken care of a handful of other minor details around the house.  That still leaves a big chunk of work to be completed before we head for the peninsula.  I'm confident that I can handle it with the exception of the things I need an empty house to complete, for that I've got a week of camping in the basement planned and then Jeff can have his house back.

During the month of July we've got visits in the works from my brother, my sister and her kid, as well as one more from my mom.  Ideally I'll still get some work done as these people come and go, but we'll see.  We also got a totally random visit from Crazy Joe.  He was/is on an extended vacation, traveling around the west coast while waiting for State Dept. approval to head of to Afghanistan for a year of paramedic work for a private contractor.  It was a big surprise to hear from him and a more than welcome visit.  He's been one of my most favorite people from the day we first met and I wish him well in his new adventures.  During his visit we actually got a little riding in too, and that's always a good thing.  We hit the Snoqualmie Middle Fork and it hit me back.  I'm terribly out of shape and the trail has suffered considerable damage since last time I was there, so much so that it took us a good three hours to cover only nine miles.

Paul and the monster from one of our many outings where we consumed food

Joe doing Joe type things.

*This post spent a week in draft form as I actively avoided it most of the time.  If it doesn't make a whole lotta sense, too damn bad.