Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We packed up the car on Thursday and headed west to Port Angeles for a couple of days. Michele had her first interview for a real job on Friday so hotel was handled and meals covered, but that also meant fourteen hours worth of interview activities on Friday for Michele and just me to keep the boy occupied in unfamiliar territory. It was our first night away from home with the boy and I gotta say, it didn't go all that well.  He really didn't want to go to sleep.  I got him there a couple of times but the moment I'd set him down, he was wide awake again.  Eventually he ended up in the bed between Michele and I and neither of us got a whole lot of sleep because of it.  Of course, the lack of sleep was less than ideal when we were needing Michele to be at her Ben Murphiest the next morning.

Anyway, long story short, they love Michele and offered her the job.  The money is good, benefits are great, and loan repayment may very well be in the cards.  Strong showing for PA but there's still some more interviewing to come. We should be making some sort of a life changing decision in the next couple of months, so watch out for that.

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