Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - Year in Review

It's been another year. We bought a house, I worked on it, Porter got a year older and went from not talking to not shutting up (I'm not complaining, that's actually a good thing), we bought a beater truck, Michele continued to work her ass off, I set up the shop and built a handful of skateboards, we took a couple of trips, and had quite a few visitors. A lot happened this year.

This kid sure loves the beach, a visit to Salt Creek on New Years Day 2012 was how we kicked things off.

We traveled to Phoenix for Nana's 60th (my mom), Porter also got to meet Char for the first time on this trip (her husband whom we never met is where Porter got his name).

Many naps were attempted, not all were successful.

Dungeness Spit was a popular family destination.

Then we bought a house. I've left most of the projects out of this post, there have been many.

My brother Pat has come to visit once every couple of months. I always look forward to having him here.

Michele's aunt, uncle and cousin made the trip out from Ohio for about a week. It's not often we get to see Michele's extended family and it was nice to have them here.

Porter got sick once every few months, I often mistook it for him being uncharacteristically cuddly. He's still alive so I must be doing something right.

Almost every time Pat has come up, he's brought Kayla along. That's worked out nicely for me since she's the only person I've been able to con into mowing the lawn for me.

Probably not the best $1200 I've ever spent, but not so bad either. Makes going to the dump a lot easier and as I learned a number of years ago, hauling lumber and plywood sucks real bad in the Element.

Books on shelves. As nomadic as Michele and my life has been the last nine or so years, seeing books on shelves hit me pretty hard, in a good way.

Grandma (Michele's mom) made the trip out in July. Couldn't have picked a better time of year.

The shop has been slowly coming together.

Late September Porter hit two. 

Eddie, Star and Gavin came to visit for a little over three weeks. Many adventures were had.

I made this. I sit at Ikea tables no more.

The Monster does not fear monsters. I'm in a good place with that, it worries my wife.

Bringing it back to bicycles.

What can I say about Thanksgiving that I haven't already said. Most important holiday of the year.

Oh, and pie.

Tree from our own yard this year, and our first real tree since Spokane (I think).

Truck parade in Victoria with Paul and Sean. Easiest night I've ever spent in the same room as the boy. Still not a great night's sleep, but progress.

I think he's getting the true meaning of Christmas, loot.

So long 2012. Bring on the new year!