Seattle vs. Portland!
The third installment of Mobile Chowdown took place today here in Seattle. All(some) of the gourmet roach coaches in town get together in one place and every hipster in town shows up looking for bacon. No bacon, sorry hipsters.

This time around some of the Portland vendors made the trip up, including Burgerville USA for some reason. Now I'm a native son of Stumptown and truly love Burgerville but seriously, what the fuck? Anyway Michele and each had something from Marination Mobile, Koi Fusion, and Annita's. Koi Fusion was by far the best I've had yet at this event(we've been to all three). It's a Korean/Mexican place out of Portland and was awesome.
I took a couple of pictures to show what the lines were like, this was only 11:00 or so before things really got rolling too. Definitely a good time for any self respecting foodie and I highly recommend it.

Oh yeah, and in other news, I got rid of Michele's tC yesterday and traded it in on a 2010 Prius. That'll teach Michele to drag me all the way down to Olympia for the day and give me nothing with which to occupy my time.
I'll bet you got a smokin' deal on the Toyota...
A killer deal, so to speak...
And how did you get a link on the DC website? That makes you almost famous, you know...
I think it's the fantastic shot I got of Big Jonny during the '07 Whiskey Off-Road that earned me the link. It was his first race post accident.
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