Friday, January 21, 2011


So everyone's all a twitter about IFC's new show Portlandia where Fred Armisen and his cronies make a laughingstock of the city I love.  Well, as a native son of the Rose city I am offended.  Nothing could be more shameful than the incredibly shortsighted and insulting portrayal of the city I love so much.  Naw, I'm just kidding, that shit's hilarious. I watched the first episode on Hulu a few days ago and laughed myself silly.


JMH said...

As someone who live in Portland for much of the '90s, I can relate.

"Where young people go to retire"... too funny, and true. Though I'd rather retire in Hood River, Bend, or Spokane.

Unknown said...

Hood River and Bend are actually on my short list for our next move. Unfortunately it's not very likely. Prov recently had an opening in HR that would have been perfect for Michele. It filled almost immediately.

Right now it's looking pretty good for PA. Great offer, nice location, close enough to the big city, etc.

JMH said...

Same old blog/new address:

Unknown said...

Duly noted. Thanks for the heads up.

brandon said...

put a bird on it!