Monday, April 29, 2013

Kiddie Kayak

Been building this boat for the last few months. It's a 1/2 scale kayak perfect for Porter that will be an outrigger for my boat when it is done. More than anything it was an exercise in evaluating the hull design for my boat before jumping in. So far I'm pretty pleased with how it came out but I'm not making any final decisions until we drop it into the water. Conveniently enough, the monster and I are headed to the city pool with it in about an hour./

Monday, April 22, 2013

Round Two

Suzanne was looking to ride yesterday and was under the impression that Dungeness-Gold Creek was the place to go. It's been five years since my last visit to the particular trail and once again it totally kicked my fucking ass. Like down the block and around the corner kicked my ass...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kicking and Screaming

Michele talked Suzanne and Morgan, a couple of very fit PAs we know, into dragging me along into the woods on Sunday. We hit up a section of the Adventure Route that I hadn't been on before starting at Eden Valley Rd and heading west. The ride started with ~500' of climbing right out of the gate through a whole load of switchbacks. I got left behind very quickly. My legs were fucking jello and my sit bones ached, but the ride was amazingly gorgeous with peekaboo views across the Strait to Vancouver Island and a forest moon of Endor on a speeder downhill run through the trees starting around mile 3. Feeling thoroughly worked just before mile 4 I pulled the plug and headed back to the car. Turns out my timing was pretty decent because I had only just loaded my bike and changed my shirt when my companions made their way out of the woods.  All in all it was good clean fun and having someone else around to help motivate my lazy ass is something I've been missing for quite a while now. 

7.5 miles, 1400' of climbing, 1 hour 12 minutes in motion.