Monday, October 20, 2008


After polishing off our pancakes from a can yesterday Michele and I headed to MOHAI to take in a little local history.

Rocking the best little bike lane in Seattle. I know you can't see it, but all I'm wearing is a t-shirt and shorts. Michele on the other hand is bundled up for a snow storm. She refused to believe that I was comfortable in my chosen outfit.

Ahh, the big guns.

Cool poster explaining what 100 year does to a simple bike ride. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Best thing in the museum by far, love that "R". They also had the original official 80's Rainer beer ambassador's uniform. Classic.

More Classic.

Pho for lunch and Michele giving me that "put the pho-king camera away already" look.

1 comment:

YuriB said...

Looks like a nice day. Soup looks good too.