Brought home a second bike this weekend. Tim handed me a fat check and his decade(s?) old Bianchi Volpe and asked me to get it road worthy again. The drivetrain is actually in pretty decent shape except for the chain. The needs include wheelset, cables, headset, and brakes. A couple other small things needs addressing as well and if there's enough money left the bike might even get fresh powder. The shopping starts tonight.

Late edit - Here's a close up of the mystery braze on.

The braze on on the down tube was probably for a downtube shifter. There should be one on each side, unless it was originally assembled as a 5 speed with a single chain ring. Most early 10 speeds had downtube shifters. Stem shifters came along later. Some luddite racers still use downtube shifters.
It's not for downtube shifters, the braze on is mid-tube, way too low for that. Don't forget that it hasn't been all that long since I had a bike with downtube shifters.
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