Early Saturday morning Shannon and Lara showed up at the house, we quickly transfered goods to the Element and headed East. We got to Spokane with some time to spare before Star and Eddie would arrive so I took them on a little driving tour of the city. They really like the Bowl and Pitcher.

After B&P we hit Huckleberry's for some necessities and met up with the others.
The others.

We didn't get out of Spokane until nearly four, putting us in Rossland around six thirty, just in time to hit the bar, order pizza, drink wine, eat pizza, play the longest game of Trivial Pursuit on record, and have a pretty fan-fucking-tastic evening.
Up early and onto the slopes, Red is a good sized place with big wide runs and lots of terrain to explore(Red also has a shit load of double black, you know, if you're into that sort of thing).

I'm having trouble with the pictures so this is all I've got from the slopes, Eddie on the right and I'm on the left.

We stayed on the mountain until they shut it down at 3:30. Happy and tired we headed back to town for another fun filled evening full of things like steak and Ghostbusters on cable. Yesterday we made the long drive back with a quick stop in Spokane to visit with my old friend Dallas.
Got home to find a belated Valentine's day gift from my wife, very exciting.

I picked up a tire that would fit on my bike's rim after work today and cranked out 35 minutes. I think this will be good for me.
Good for you? You remember the difference between a Jewish mother and an Italian mother. A few hours on that torture device and you'll be outriding in the rain!
I set my computer in front of me with a movie playing and it really wasn't so bad.
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