Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Recap

We're back! Michele and I had ourselves a fun filled Spokane weekend too.

Friday we rolled out pretty early in hopes of getting into Spokane in time for a quick ride. Of course it's only a four hour drive so even after a lunch at Huckleberry's and a crazy debacle with regards to getting into our accommodations we still got onto the trail before four. We did a simple 7.5 mile figure eight out of the Seven Mile lot. It was a good ride even though my old arch nemesis, the singletrack climb out of the burn area, got the best of me. Really, I could have made it except it's really loose and once again the fact that the WWLTs are not meant for the back of a bicycle. It's always easier to blame the equipment, isn't it?

Post ride refreshments at the Elk where the was a pretty nice example of a '06 Kona Humuhumu-Nukunuku-Ahua'A(one of my favorite cruisers) out front. Later we had dinner at Gordy's, Michele's favorite resturant, and I suspect the real reason we drove across the state.

Who need luggage when you have a laundry basket?

Michele and the river, two of my favorite things.

Saturday I got up early and rode downtown to meet up with Len at the South Cedar Rocket for another ride. I made a stop at Hoopfest on my way just in time to catch up with Dallas' younger brother Jimmy before his 8:00 AM game. I still got to Rocket in plenty of time to finish my breakfast before Len showed up. We drove from downtown to Seven Mile to start and headed North looking for Deep Creek trails.

Len had never ridden Deep Creek and the last time I'd ridden the trail I was looking for I was riding with my dad back when we both still lived in town. Needless to say, we got a little lost and ended up at the bottom of Deep Creek rather than the top. As long as we were there I though we could at least check out the climbing area before heading uphill again. After screwing around for a little while we headed uphill looking for the top of the ridge. Turns out Len hadn't ridden trail since the last time I was in town and decided we needed a rest after ~400ft of vertical. I was feeling the climb a little myself and welcomed the rest. We didn't get a while lot further up after that but took full advantage of the decent on our way back down and screamed all the way down to the Charles Rd. trailhead. We rode the road back to Seven Mile and caught the river trail from there towards Bowl and Pitcher. By the time we got the the bathroom above Devil's Toenail Len had had enough and Michele was calling in that she had just finished her own ride. Len headed straight back down on the road while I bagged my favorite little half mile loop before turning North towards the lot.

All three of us went for post ride at some Elk owned pub on the South Hill. Later we met up with Jen and Jessie at Picabu for dinner(nice looking Masi fixie with some questionable spokecards parked out front).

Spokane has it's own under the freeway park.

I don't skate, but I have it on good authority that this could quite possibly be the worst skate park ever constructed with public funds. Of course, I'm not counting the Clearwater, KS skate park(see item #8) as a skate park.

Deep Creek bridge.

Climber in Deep Creek.

Len, the snake charmer.

More Deep Creek.

Ahh, love that ribbon of dirt.

Yesterday, Michele and I headed out yet again from Seven Mile. I had talked of Beacon Hill if Michele didn't go but I don't regret missing out on riding there. We started out with the first seven or so miles of the 24 hour course. They have added some fantastic singletrack in the years since we left between the airstrip and half mile hill and I enjoyed every bit of it. Nothing difficult in Riverside, not even Devil's Down, but still a great place to ride.

I'd say Spokane now tops Michele's list of places to live post-residency alongside Hood River. It's also on my list for sure, but definately falls below Prescott and Bend. Couple more years and then we'll just have to see what happens.

1 comment:

Old Fat and Slow said...

Gee, how could you possibly dis the skatepark in Clearwater? After all, it is concrete, has a curb and a half pipe (of sorts). Is 30'x30' too small for a skate park?