Holy shit that was a fun trip. Crazy Joe rented a bad ass house in Arabi(St. Bernard Parish) for a bunch of us to share. In the house we had Joe, Lara, Shannon, John, Eithne, Atticus, and me.
I got in Friday night around 10 or so and picked up the rental car just in time to grab John, Eithne, and Atticus from baggage claim. After getting lost on the way to the house we finally got there right at midnight. B/R unit found their way to bed I headed down to the quarter to play catch up with the rest of the crew. I forgot to grab a camera on my way out of the house and while I kind of regret that it's probably for the best. Crazy Joe was in fine form and living up to his name admirably. Lara and Shannon were loving it and the three of them were quite ripped by the time we found each other. The party continued for nearly another three hours before we finally found our beds and got a little shut eye.
Saturday was party day and it went off without a hitch. Well, there was a little rain and some thunder and lightning but it didn't last long.

There was more than enough cake and pie to keep me riding a sugar high all day. At some point one of Eddie's climbing peeps busted out the slack line and that provided even more entertainment.

We laughed and played all day, by the time we got home it was pretty late, we still ended up going out that night but only Joe had the energy to really tackle Bourbon St yet again. Crazy fucking Joe.
As luck would have it the Arabi Sugar Festival was happening on Sunday less than 100 yards for our house so after a crepe breakfast we went over and checked it out. Back to the crepes for a second, I made crepes for 20 people. That's 5x the normal recipe and with only one pan it took me a solid 2 hours to cook all that batter. Ok back to the Sugar Fest. It was a pretty small affair but the atmosphere was just about right.

Speaking of a sugar high, they were handing out lots of free sugar at the gate and selling things like this crazy ass cookie. Mmmm, big cookie...

After Sugar Fest we went to Star and Eddies to tear into some crawfish. I think Atticus was impressed.

Star's been in NOLA for two years now and this was her fish crawfish. She was awfully impressed with herself when she got the meat out of the tail. For some crazy reason she refused to suck the meat from the body. Weirdo.

Right. Did I mention they got 45 fucking pounds of that shit for 12 people. That was a lot of tiny lobsters. What you see on the table is only maybe a quarter of the total.

That night we all took turns on my board, now everybody wants one. Good clean fun followed by wine and watching Wall-E late into the night.

Um. There's more to this story but some of what happens in NOLA needs to just stay in NOLA. Either that or I'm just to lazy to keep recounting events right now. Your guess is as good as any.
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