That's pretty good since I was around fifteen or so yesterday. I blame the good company and the great snow.

Star rocking, as always. She's a better boarder than I am and likely always will be. I don't have a problem with that.

Any time the shitty goggles don't fog up is a good day by my standards.

Lara and Shannon in the parking lot. They're friends of Star's and loads of fun. I'd certainly ride with them again.

More words possible in the near future, but don't hold your breath.
Man, I miss Mt. Baker. That first shot is how I remember it, socked in with clouds. The last time I was there, winter of '97, there was so much snow they had to close the upper lifts because the snow was higher than the chair lifts.
I heard that Baker got something to the tune of 18 feet in December alone. Nice and dry too, nothing like the Cascades snow I remember from my youth(Timberline).
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