The annual
STP ride was today and I forgot all about it until just a couple days ago. I've always wanted to do the STP, I'm just not sure I want to do it with 9,000 other riders. That's all beside the point because my Portland trip was going to be a little different. I got up at 5:30 and rolled out towards the STP start and downtown.

Do I look wide awake?

Traffic jam at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, notice how everybody's got a bike.

Looks like a train station and the cheaters way to Portland.

Yup, it's a train station.

And a train with a special place for the Volpe.

City of Roses.

The purpose of my visit.

Also with a special place for the Volpe.

Do I look happy, tired, or just hungry.

Now I can return the free beast to Will which is a good thing because I'm really tired of watching the gas gauge drop like a rock at 8 mpg. That will be tomorrow's project.
Sweet new ride, Sean! Jeff and I got a new ride 04' Xterra 4x4 in primo condition with 'rugged leather' seats. haha LLoving the blog. Keep it coming as I feel as you are not so far away, my friend!
Cool. Is that a replacement for the Accord?
While I'm thinking about it, I might have some really big 'nix news, but it's not quite ready for public consumption just yet.
nah...replacement for his big 3/4 ton truck that sucks gas like a mo-fo.
Big 'nix news huh? Well, that has my curiosity up!
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